This 'senior' is actually the one that I used to have a big crush on since I'm in IPDA. He's my TESL senior and my class is just next to him.. so I used to take a peep when walking past his class-and always found him sleeping
He got so many 'negatives qualities' on him but I still adore him, I thought he's so cool. I like the fact that he's different from others. I like it when he's gonna be a teacher one day, but he can't even stay awake in a class, lol.
So, I actually was a bit excited to come to UK cause I know I'll meet him again here- Our seniors went to UK a year early than us- but as soon as I came here, I found out that he already has a GF, so yeah. Not really broken-hearten as I kinda have expected it. Even if he's single, I don't think I have a chance, and in fact, don't really hope for a, not a big deal for me.
...Ok, so we continue back to my story where I eat at Kens with my friends,, hehe.
So, I was with my friends and he was also there with his girlfriend. And my friend keep teasing me, saying stuff like,
" Hai, romantiknya diorang.. makan berdua.." ,
"Faiqah, jgn kecewa.. sabar2.. hehe" and ect, ect..
expecting me to be all sad and heart-broken.. oh, please.
I was so annoyed cuz all I wanna do is eat my chicken in peace. And I literally said to her, " I don't give a f***, ok." lol, when I'm annoyed, you can tell. I was so mad cuz what was she's trying to do? Make me jealous of someone who doesn't have anything to do with me? Dude, I have my own life, k..
So, my close friends will probably know who this senior is. Yeah, I used to have a crush on him, but that was during my 'stupid-naive-girl' years.. where I like messing around with people.
So, I don't know why I feel like writing about this. Maybe I'm just getting tired of my friends teasing me about him when I am so not into him anymore. Yeah, once in a while, I still mentions him and joke about him, but that's just it.
Crush is like a paper, when you like it, you'll keep it, once you don't like it, you throw it into a dustbin. Crushes normally don't last, only real love do.
ok, so that's the end of story of my 'ex-crush'.
Psst.. secret.. I'm in love with someone right now.
I don't think this is a 'crush' since I don't like him at first.(though he's cute and nice)
but now I do? This is not a crush I think, cuz crush works the other way round.
so, is this true