I'm sorry!!
..............saya sudah penat bergaduh, penat, penat! it doesnt feel good at all!!
and it's not entirely your fault too.. maybe you were just in the wrong time, in the wrong place.
waktu itu saya di rumah, di hadapan laptop, tengah menunggu kawan yg sy kasihi... ada perkara yg perlu kami selesaikan, dan mood agak x berapa baik time tu.. =(
tiba2 plak dia boleh call..
panik gila la time tu.. selalu sy yg call dia, n bila sy yg pilih utk call dahulu, mmg ada bnda yg nk dicakap, masalah utk di minta tolong, soalan utk dijawab.. material2 utk perbualan itu sudah tersedia.....
tp bila dia yg call tiba2, habislah ak.. apa ak nk cakap ni..
Panik2... dlm kepanikan itu sy mnjawab call dia secara merapu.. tambah2 lg mak dan adik plak besar mata2 n telinga nk skodeng prbualan ak dgn dia.. heiii, tolongla.... di rumah wafa bleh la sy bersembunyi ckp dlm bilik.. ni di rumah, mmg xda tempat nk sembunyi. serius, pressure yg teramat sgt!
So, sbb saya merapu dan x dpt fokus apa dia ckp, dia pon agknya ter annoyed dgn kepelikan sy saat itu, lalu dia pun tertinggikan suara kt sy. (Berani kamu yer..
apa lagi.. sentap la org ni..
lalu sy pon ckp sy nk sembhyang dulu, so dia pon kata okay, akn call balik. sy sgt pasti dia sedar dia dh buat sy bengang dgn meninggikan suara kat sy yg x bersalah ni. jelas, ada nada kekesalan dari suaranya.. tp, ah lantaklah. sedih sgt time tu smpai x boleh nk pikir ape2 lg.
then, an hour aftr that, dia call balik, but i never answered. =P
Now that i've recall back the things that happened.. it seems that the problem is so small.
not worth fighting and avoiding each other.
but at that time, i was deeply hurt.
not only by that particular person actually, but by other problems..
like i said, you're just in the wrong time, in the wrong place, and you did something i hate the most.
yelling at me. people don't yell at me. Haha, once you do that, it's OVER. that's it. I won't like you anymore.
what's going to happen?
Urusan sy dengan 'kawan yg sy kasihi' itu sudah selesai.
sekarang kamu pulak.
sy cepat marah, tp sebenarnya cepat sejuk jugak,
tp sy jenis yg lambat menghulurkan kemaafan
sbb x pndai nk berdepan dgn seseorg bila sy dh buat salah.
sy = jenis yg suka melarikan diri. and pretend like nothing has happened. for that, i'm so sorryy..
sy ni.. x cukup dewasa lagi sebenarnya..haish.
i'm so sorry, my friend. I'll find a way to make it up to you.