My first Blog!!
oh, sudah trlalu lama sbnrnya mau buat blog ni
tp byk problems,, xde masa, xde intrnet connection..
skang sume da settle,, masa pon boleh la nk cilok2 sket
-omg.. final exam lg sebulan kott,,ishy2-
sbnrnya tringin nk wat blog sbb ak jelez dgn blog adikku yg cantik n interesting tu..
n lg satu kalu ak bleh pergi Portsmouth (Insya-Allah), ak tringin nk post2 gambar utk family ak tgk
tp xtau la sapa yg nk bkk blog ak nnti kt rumah.. huhuhu~
I'm Missing Everything, but I miss you the Most!
currently, i'm missing home, rindu int

rindu bunyi gitar yg best, rindu mau makan maggi di tgh2 mlm, rindu mau tgk tv
rindu mau sembang2 dgn family, rindu mau bangun lewat, rindu mau pergi pasar malam kt kg..
rindu dkt kamu juga...
"can we ever be like 'how we used to be' again?"

i miss your words, i miss your texts, i miss your voice, i miss your stories, i miss talking to you 'till late at nite,
i miss your giggles, i miss how you can make me laugh without even trying..
Keluargaku jauh,, tp dekat di hati~
well, what can i say? thank God I still have the memories of being with you.. thanks 4 everything, knowing that i had been in your heart, once, is good enough for me =)
p/s: sorry, idk what am I crapping about.. emo alert! lol
1 comment:
anda di cabar !
sini klik sini
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