Went there with Intan, Afza, Syud and Liyana to join PMS. PMS stands for Perhimpunan Musim Sejuk, not PreMenstrual Syndromes like what most people think okayy.
to conclude my journey it would be like this>>>>
Thurday night
Sooo tired and I believe Intan fall sick afterward.. poor Intan.. I also has a little cold but I'm fighting to stay healthy, yep.
Okay.. not so stunning scenery.. but that's exactly how the place looks like.. dark.. cold.. empty.. mysterious.. I feel like a zombie would pop out of nowhere and attack us..hahaha.. it does looks like 'an abandoned city' you would most likely found in scary movies.
We have so much fun, meet so nice people, so adventurous journey, so great new knowledge and so wonderful experience-I'll tell ya later if I have the time..but right now, I'm just feelin' ..tired..
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