meaning that I have to go to class tomorrow?? wuuu...
I can't say my new timetable sucks, but it's definitely not that 'great' either..
First class starts at 11 am to 1 pm. yess! boleh bangun lewat...ha3
second starts at 2 to 3 pm, and then third class, 5 to 6 pm. 3 classes in 3 different building, -St Michael, St George, Park Building- aiyaa... I'm gonna crawling as soon as I went back to my room~ Like last year, Monday is so packed!
Oooo I don't like this year's Tuesday!! Last year, my first class started at 1 pm! plenty of time to sleep, but this year, the 1st class is at 9 am! and also 3 classes in Tuesday??? plus they're all direct classes!
1st class~ 9-10 am
2nd class~ 10-11 am
3rd class~ 11-1 pm
4 straight hours in Park Building, I'm gonna die , lol
no class! thank you GOD!
one class only, 5 to 6 pm... oh, I like this very much!
first~10 to 12 pm
second~4 to 5 pm ,,,okay la..not that bad..
Good things are, (1) my classes all started quite late except on Tuesday,, (2) most of my classes are at Park Building, very very near to Harry Law,, except on Monday~ and (3) I finally had one whole day free on Wed!
Not so good things- new lecturers, new subjects, probably new classmates too (?).. oh well, gonna rock this year too!
no class on wed but you have to attend school for SE. hehehe.
ha??? SE dh start dah sem ni?
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