If you're a poor Malaysian students studying in UK and you've been eating nothing fancy but Mee Maggi for the last 3 months; then today, you must be the most grateful person on earth. Why?? oohh.. because apparently God listen to your prayer and send someone to put £2600 into your bank account. My precious, precious allowance!!! How much I missed you baby, wahahahaha!
[£2600; if you convert to Ringgit Malaysia, then wouldn't it be almost RM13,000???]OMG, I'm rich! I'm rich! ......err...but I have to pay for the house -£900, hall- £500, airplane ticket-£500~ OMG, I'm poor! I'm poor! .... mmmm... though I have a lot of money today, but I'll become poor again by the end of tomorrow. Arghh... I still have to eat lunch with maggi and egg. Waaaaa~
p/s: Life in oversea is not always fun 24 hours percayalah...nama ja duk UK student oversea konon-kononnya bunyi cam 'exclusive' gila tapi hari2 makan nasi dengan telur rebus+ kuah kicap aja..itupon dah kira 'heaven' sebenarnya...oh~! and if they forget to give us our allowance, arghh~ mati kering la kitaorang kat sini!!