If you're a poor Malaysian students studying in UK and you've been eating nothing fancy but Mee Maggi
for the last 3 months; then today, you must be the most grateful person on earth. Why?? oohh.. because apparently God listen to your prayer and send someone to put £2600 into your bank account
. My precious, precious allowance!!! How much I missed you baby, wahahahaha!
[£2600; if you convert to Ringgit Malaysia, then wouldn't it be almost RM13,000???]OMG, I'm rich! I'm rich! ......err...but I have to pay for the house -£900, hall- £500, airplane ticket-£500~ OMG, I'm poor! I'm poor!
p/s: Life in oversea is not always fun 24 hours percayalah...nama ja duk UK student oversea konon-kononnya bunyi cam 'exclusive' gila tapi hari2 makan nasi dengan telur rebus+ kuah kicap aja..itupon dah kira 'heaven' sebenarnya...oh~! and if they forget to give us our allowance, arghh~ mati kering la kitaorang kat sini!!
lama nya xsinggah,
semua bnda kadang2 indah khabar dari rupa
hold on kat sana
demi cita2,
dpt balik msia.
MAKAN lah sepuasnya
ms tuh, telur pun dah buat mcm xkenal
hehehe :)
hai.. lame x berkomunikasi.. he3.. stalk blog tu slalu la jugak,,he3
yup, skang ni memang tgh bertahan dgn apa yg ada.. mmg xleh nk mewah2 sgt..insya-Allah lagi 4 bulan nk balik Malaysia.. rindu nk makan nasi dengan lauk sedap2.. arghhh!~
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