I haven't got enough sleep since my visit to Birmingham
I think I have lots of work to do at the moment...Eh, what am I talking about?? Of course I have lots of works to do, duh! Aiiish~ One thing that worries me is I don't know how to start working...
Everything seems so confuzing... One thing about me: I rather do 10 pages of super easy questions than 1/2 page of super hard questions. I don't mind doing buckets of assignments and tasks, as long as I know how to do it. (Well, if I actually pay more attention in class, I should know how to do it).
On last Monday, I skipped class for the first time (for this semester). He he he. 'Cause I was super tired after coming back from Birm. Monday, my class only finished at 6 pm, pretty late. So, usually I'll sleep late at that night because I'll be doing some works. And I just about to go to sleep
After class, I went to shop alone cuz I need to buy some stuff. I went back to my room, exhausted and fall asleep
when will I be able to sleep??!!
I woke up with sore throat and runny nose, oh no, am I getting a cold?? I need to go for my school visit the next day and I don't want to get sick. I tried to sleep early that night, but ended up sleeping at 1 am, like always. And suddenly, there was the annoying noise again. This time it's the fire alarm(!?). Fire alarm at 3 in the morning. Oh, wow, how lovely. Of course I didn't get up nor get out. I don't care la.. terbakar pon terbakar la.. I don't know how many fire alarms have I got since living in Harry Law, could be 50 times already.. aiyoo.. are you guys trying to make a world record or something???
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