While I was watching their MV on Edry's Facebook, little did I know that, down on the comment section,
there was an intense Facebook war going on between; fans of VIP, fans of Big Bang (the VIPs), the VIP boys themselves and abang Edry pon terheret sama, lol.
It all started when this one 'big fan' of Big Bang wrote something rude towards this group,
I'm not sure what exactly she said bcoz the comments were already removed,
but I guess it something like, VIP copying Big Bang, and they also complained about the group's name VIP which is similar to Big Bang's fanclub name, VIP.
Let's have a look! hihi =D,
one fan comments. |
Adam replied. |
One Big Bang fan comments |
Adam replied. |
The war started, another BB fan leaving rude comments and Edry replied.
VIP fans and Edry attacked!!, lol |
Ryan and Fadlan, 2 VIP boys came down to join the battle, lol |
Fadlan, VIP boy, atomic bomb attack!! |
one fan dah naik takot..ha3 |
2 other VIP boys shotgun attack..lol |
Two fans tried to cool down. |
One fan missed the war. |
lol..Adam. |
Two BB fans still don't wanna give up. |
Adam's fanclub also joins the battle. |
Edry stepped in. |
professional battle..lol |
one fan is mad because Adam said something rude to her. |
Abang Edry yang baik..he3 |
Coo Aico later joined in. |
lol, abang Edry yg relax..
Adam's apology. |
Adam betulkan Edry yg salah fakta..lol |
still won't give up, BB's fan =_= |
Adam's reply. |
Final comments from Adam, Fadlan and the rest. Finally, peace. | | |
perghh.. bapak kurang ajo peminat BB tu. bajet2 la weyh. mcm la BB tu nk kawen dgn die. n request tuk tukar nama tu sgt2 melampau.ingt nama tu turun dari langit ke. nama tu bawak maksud sndiri. samala cam nk tukar nama mesia. bley ke? bley ke? kepala hott die. klu bwk maksud x elok, xpe la.. ni sbb TER-same dgn fanclub BB. omg.. sedehhnye ak T__T .
Ak pon minat BB gak- k-pop band yg best. Tp xdelah nk emo lebih2 pon.
Ala nama VIP tu pon just nama fanclub diorg jer..lainla klau Adam namakan group dia Big Bang ke, Beast ke, SNSD ke.. tu logik la jugak kalu nk suruh tukar..lgpon VIP tu bkn Big Bang yg cipta pon.. perkataan yg digunakan worldwide! Klakar la bdk2 konon2nya 'die hard fan' BB tu..dhla mengata depan2.. smpai ak pon jeles band VIP sndiri tolong reply komen diorang...ha3
ak pon stuju Adam xyah tuka nama group ni, buang masa tukar smata2 nk pleasekan fans BB yg trlebeh emo tu..kalau tuka diorang la yg menang..dok sengeh2 brag kt org nnti..wekk~
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