Terms and condition~:
1.You must post these rules.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.
2.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag back!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.
so, here it is :)
11 things about me

1.Underage 2.Anime 3.Gay 4.in rare cases; lesbian.
Questions from Husna
Last Quarter (2004)
Havent finish it yet, but I like the Gothic feeling in the movie =)) and Hyde is so &*^%&* cute!
I know people will probably think I love PINK but.. really, I like all colors the same.
My love one and two arent here =(, but here's my pic with my love three,, hehe
gosh, I suck at taking my own picture... o_0
going to the kicthen and make Nescafe..hehehe jk, just enjoying every little things I have n basically, trying to be happy and contented every day.
Thinking out loud in front of a Malaysian who I thought was Japanese. omg.
That everything happens for a reason, always look for the reason!
It allows me to tell stuff to people, friends, family without 'directly' speaking to them. I'm better at writing than speaking, and I don't really like talking to people directly, so blogging is how I reach them. And I hate Facebook, sooo many 'attention seekers', lol.. blog is the only place left for me,, to be me!^^
I hate it when it was filled with sadness, I love it when it was filled with happiness. I dont like reading sad stories on my friends blogs =( hopefully, there will be more happy and silly stories in your blog, hehe
My sister's blog, Ada n Husna's blog (I wasn't tryin to be nice , I mean it! lol) Aina's, Wani's, Hayat's -----these are 'hardcore' bloggers, lol
Me, 26 years old... holy cow, I'm so old!,,,, will I still like watching anime? will I still have crush on L
and Peter Pan?
lol, Im probably working my head off to save money so that I can go travelling around the world with my family..hihi
i wanna continue this tagging game, but all my friends has been tag! so, yeah.. it ends here, i guess =(
hehehe!faiqah suka tagging games ek?
kalau taw, sy tag slalu~ keke
hehe.. tu lah, lain kali main jgn lupa tag sy.. >_<
hehehe. thank you faiqah sudi buat. teheeee. InsyaAllah. xde sad2 dah :)
comel lah love three tu :)
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