Benci la.
benci, benci, benci!
I know, xde orang yang berani panggil dia jahat.
sebab dia mungkin orang yang paling baik yang anda pernah jumpa.
paling rendah diri, paling tawadduk, paling sabar.
Masya Allah.
tapi ak suka panggil dia jahat. ok,bukan suka la.. tapi ak senang jer nak kata dia jahat, depan2 dia.
biar lah ak seorang jer yg dalam dunia ni yang panggil dia camtu
so, he would remember me as a 'different' and very 'complicated' one.
tak layak aku berkawan dengannya.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Saya puji anda, kenapa x mau terima?
"Haha, akhi org baik, soleh, comel... bla bla bla..."
Wah, bukan main seronok lagi aku memuji orang ni.
Dan aku kira bila dipuji begitu dia akan gembira, tapi sebaliknya pula yang berlaku.
nama Yang Maha Suci ini ditaipnya.
lalu ditaipnya pula beberapa baris doa.
memohon bantuan dan keampunan Tuhan.
Eh, terkejut aku.....
Kenapa? Kenapa? Aku ada tersalah cakap ke??
Bila ditanya, dia membalas; "Xdela... saja baca doa.."
hurm.. musykil aku.
Tetiba jer nak baca doa kan.
Tapi sebab akal ini pendek, aku selamba jer sambung sembang...
langsung tak terpikir nak tahu lebih lanjut...=_="
Beberapa hari selepas itu,
kat FB ada orang share pasal Adab Memuji.
Bila aku baca artikel itu... erk.. baru ak notice something..
Sebab rasa cam artikel tu x cukup info, aku try lagi search kt Google....
O my God... memang aku dah buat silap hari tu..huhu
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam.
Tak sangka pujian itu sebenarnya sangat bahaya sampai boleh membinasakan amal/akhlak/iman seseorang itu.
Niat ku bila memuji seseorang, supaya orang akan happy, motivated,dll
tapi sekarang aku jadi sedih pulak.
Jahil nya diri ini, adab memuji pon x tau lagi. huhu.
#reminder to self
sesungguhnya tarbiyah Allah itu indah~
Quotes ana copy dari page ni, sila baca artikel penuh yer, insya Allah bermanfaat...;)
Awas dengan Pujian!
p/s: Aduh...rehat jap daripada PPELT..
Wah, bukan main seronok lagi aku memuji orang ni.
Dan aku kira bila dipuji begitu dia akan gembira, tapi sebaliknya pula yang berlaku.
nama Yang Maha Suci ini ditaipnya.
lalu ditaipnya pula beberapa baris doa.
memohon bantuan dan keampunan Tuhan.
Eh, terkejut aku.....
Kenapa? Kenapa? Aku ada tersalah cakap ke??
Bila ditanya, dia membalas; "Xdela... saja baca doa.."
hurm.. musykil aku.
Tetiba jer nak baca doa kan.
Tapi sebab akal ini pendek, aku selamba jer sambung sembang...
langsung tak terpikir nak tahu lebih lanjut...=_="
Beberapa hari selepas itu,
kat FB ada orang share pasal Adab Memuji.
Bila aku baca artikel itu... erk.. baru ak notice something..
Sebab rasa cam artikel tu x cukup info, aku try lagi search kt Google....
O my God... memang aku dah buat silap hari tu..huhu
Hendaklah kamu enggan/tidak senang/benci bila orang memberikan pujian kepada kamu.hadis;
Diriwayatkan, Rasulullah SAW mendengar seorang lelaki memuji seorang lelaki lain, lantas Baginda SAW bersabda yang maksudnya: " Malang kamu! Sesungguhnya kamu sudah memotong lehernya! Kemudian Baginda SAW menambah: "Sekiranya seseorang daripada kamu tidak dapat mengelak daripada memuji temannya maka hendaklah dia berkata, saya kira begini, jangan sekali-kali dia menyucikan seseorang mengatasi Allah." (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Lihatlah perkataan yang ana boldkan itu, bagaimana Rasulullah menyifatkan pujian itu sebagai 'memotong leher' ini menunjukkan betapa merbahayanya lafaz pujian yang terungkap di bibir manusia untuk manusia kerana 'pujian' adalah hak mutlak Allah swt, dan segala kebaikan yang melata di bumi adalah daripada Allah jua, maka kepada Allah jualah kita kembalikan. Jadi berhati-hatilah mengungkapkan kata-kata pujian, insya'Allah ana akan kongsikan bagaimana seharusnya kita melantunkan kata-kata pujian agar pujian kita itu tidak membahayakan orang yang dipuji.
Lihatlah saudaraku yang sehati seiman dan seperjalanan, betapa dengan pujian boleh mengakibatkan perubahan pada diri seseorang itu. Terang dan nyata bahawa pujian itu bakal membinasakan orang yang dipuji. Allahu akbar! Kawallah lidahmu duhai saudaraku daripada melontarkan pujian, andai anda tidak mahu ramai lagi insan yang terkorban akibat daripada pujian anda.Tapi memberi pujian dan menerima pujian masih dibenarkan dalam Islam, cuma ada lah garis panduan serta adab2 yang perlu diikuti, seperti:
Mulakan pujian kita dengan memuji-muji Allah swt. Sebagai contoh; "Subhanallah, Masyaallah, Tabarakallah solehnya dia, semoga Allah mengekalkan kesolehannya, insya'Allah..". Jangan lupa doakan orang tersebut setelah kita memujinya, sesuai dengan adabnya yang telah dijelaskan semoga Allah berkenan mengekalkan kebaikan kepadanya, insya'Allah. Dan semoga dia terselamat daripada kebinasaan.
Dan bagi yang dipuji pula, bagaimana adab menerima pujian? Hendaklah kembalikan pujian tersebut kepada Allah, dan menyatakan cela diri, lemahnya diri dan semua itu adalah daripada Allah jua. Sebagai contoh, "Allahu akbar, Alhamdulillah, ini semua pemberian Allah swt, tidak ada kekuatan/kelebihan sedikitpun pada diri ini melainkan semuanya milik Allah" lalu berdoa kpd Allah di dalam hati, agar Allah memelihara diri daripada kemurkaanNya.
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam.
Tak sangka pujian itu sebenarnya sangat bahaya sampai boleh membinasakan amal/akhlak/iman seseorang itu.
Niat ku bila memuji seseorang, supaya orang akan happy, motivated,dll
tapi sekarang aku jadi sedih pulak.
Jahil nya diri ini, adab memuji pon x tau lagi. huhu.
#reminder to self
sesungguhnya tarbiyah Allah itu indah~
Quotes ana copy dari page ni, sila baca artikel penuh yer, insya Allah bermanfaat...;)
Awas dengan Pujian!
p/s: Aduh...rehat jap daripada PPELT..
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday Firework.
Friday Firework night (well it may look like night here but it's only 6 pm)
Just happened to walk down Commercial Road, heading home after Gil's class and there's event going on.
Christmas is coming, i guess.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
To Kill or Not to Kill
Last Friday, (as I'm writing this, it would just be yesterday.) in my Understanding Britain Today class, we discussed on some of the UK laws. One of them is; "Death penalty is prohibited in UK.".
Denise; my lecturer, asked me if we have death penalty in Malaysia, and I said, yes, we do have. She asked again; do you agree with death penalty? and I said, Of course, why not? If we didn't do anything wrong, why should we be scared? She sort of surprised hearing me saying that. Denise is such a lovely lady, I feel bad for sounding a bit.. harsh, I guess? but that day I was too tired to explain further. I was about to add my answer, "Well, I don't think it's wrong, people who kill other people should get a death penalty,, I mean, if the person is proven guilty, and killing with intention, and she/he in a best mental state, not crazy or mentally ill, or anything.. why not?" I guess if I've given this sort of answer, I would sound more compassionate, lol.
But I didn't tell her that. Denise shared her thoughts;
"I think we shouldn't do the death penalty. It's just wrong to take someone's life. I know, everytime there's a murder in UK, especially the ones involving small children, people would have a demonstration; pleading the gov to bring back the death penalty. But as far as I know, it doesn't even come close to that. UK is not going to have a death penalty anymore. I know in some prisons in America, some people waited for 50 years in the death row, just to have their death sentence,, you know, because of certain procedures and all that. Imagine if that person committed the crime in their early teens and spent their whole life in prison just waiting to be hanged. You know, people could change, they would do something awful when their young but they can changed as they get older. I don't believe anyone has the right to take someone's life. I mean, who has the permission to do that?"
Yes, Denise, I understand what you're saying. I like to think for everyone too. Every possible one. I agree that people make mistakes, maybe they don't mean to kill someone, maybe it's not intentionally. Maybe they were wrongly accused, maybe they're mentally sick, maybe they're desperate, maybe it's an act of escaping, saving their life ect, ect. It's not fair to give them a death sentence.
But how about those who kills for pleasure? like serial killer, or youngsters who are bored? torturing other kids although they know it is WRONG? That is so selfish. I think for serious crime, they ought to consider a death penalty, idk.
Imagine if you're in the victim situation. Imagine the person you love the most. Could be your little sister, your little daughter,any innocent child in your family, got murdered by a selfish person, the one who murder someone because s/he feels like to. Imagine the pain. I know it must be awfully awfully hard for anyone who has their close one taken from them in a cruel way. Even if there's someone in your family just died from sickness,cancer or accident ect, you could suffered for years and years in agony, imagine if their life was taken by someone, in a cruel, inhumane way; murder, rape, tortured, ect. It would be a lot worse. And the person whose responsible is just there, sitting in a prison for a certain years. It would not be fair. The family would not think it's fair. Life is just too precious. Lives of our innocent ones are.
I remember Ustaz Z told us about 'hukum hudud' in Islam. In Islam, someone who is proven guilty to have commit a murder, for example killing a child, will be given 3 different sentences, (of course, under given circumstances) and it's up to the family of the victim to choose: 1) the murderer is to be given a death penalty. 2) the murderer is to pay money to the family and the price is really, really high. 3) the family can choose to forgive the murderer if they don't have the heart to kill him or to make him pay. Ustaz said if it's him to choose, he would pick the second option, >_<
For some people it could have sound cruel to kill someone for killing someone. When would it ends?
But us the Muslim; believe in the life after death, the real, internal life. Punishment in this world is absolutely NOTHING compared to the punishment in that 'another' world. Lebih baik dihukum di dunia daripada di akhirat.
Well, I really don't know how to explain further, I guess this is it. :)
Denise; my lecturer, asked me if we have death penalty in Malaysia, and I said, yes, we do have. She asked again; do you agree with death penalty? and I said, Of course, why not? If we didn't do anything wrong, why should we be scared? She sort of surprised hearing me saying that. Denise is such a lovely lady, I feel bad for sounding a bit.. harsh, I guess? but that day I was too tired to explain further. I was about to add my answer, "Well, I don't think it's wrong, people who kill other people should get a death penalty,, I mean, if the person is proven guilty, and killing with intention, and she/he in a best mental state, not crazy or mentally ill, or anything.. why not?" I guess if I've given this sort of answer, I would sound more compassionate, lol.
But I didn't tell her that. Denise shared her thoughts;
"I think we shouldn't do the death penalty. It's just wrong to take someone's life. I know, everytime there's a murder in UK, especially the ones involving small children, people would have a demonstration; pleading the gov to bring back the death penalty. But as far as I know, it doesn't even come close to that. UK is not going to have a death penalty anymore. I know in some prisons in America, some people waited for 50 years in the death row, just to have their death sentence,, you know, because of certain procedures and all that. Imagine if that person committed the crime in their early teens and spent their whole life in prison just waiting to be hanged. You know, people could change, they would do something awful when their young but they can changed as they get older. I don't believe anyone has the right to take someone's life. I mean, who has the permission to do that?"
Yes, Denise, I understand what you're saying. I like to think for everyone too. Every possible one. I agree that people make mistakes, maybe they don't mean to kill someone, maybe it's not intentionally. Maybe they were wrongly accused, maybe they're mentally sick, maybe they're desperate, maybe it's an act of escaping, saving their life ect, ect. It's not fair to give them a death sentence.
But how about those who kills for pleasure? like serial killer, or youngsters who are bored? torturing other kids although they know it is WRONG? That is so selfish. I think for serious crime, they ought to consider a death penalty, idk.
Imagine if you're in the victim situation. Imagine the person you love the most. Could be your little sister, your little daughter,any innocent child in your family, got murdered by a selfish person, the one who murder someone because s/he feels like to. Imagine the pain. I know it must be awfully awfully hard for anyone who has their close one taken from them in a cruel way. Even if there's someone in your family just died from sickness,cancer or accident ect, you could suffered for years and years in agony, imagine if their life was taken by someone, in a cruel, inhumane way; murder, rape, tortured, ect. It would be a lot worse. And the person whose responsible is just there, sitting in a prison for a certain years. It would not be fair. The family would not think it's fair. Life is just too precious. Lives of our innocent ones are.
I remember Ustaz Z told us about 'hukum hudud' in Islam. In Islam, someone who is proven guilty to have commit a murder, for example killing a child, will be given 3 different sentences, (of course, under given circumstances) and it's up to the family of the victim to choose: 1) the murderer is to be given a death penalty. 2) the murderer is to pay money to the family and the price is really, really high. 3) the family can choose to forgive the murderer if they don't have the heart to kill him or to make him pay. Ustaz said if it's him to choose, he would pick the second option, >_<
For some people it could have sound cruel to kill someone for killing someone. When would it ends?
But us the Muslim; believe in the life after death, the real, internal life. Punishment in this world is absolutely NOTHING compared to the punishment in that 'another' world. Lebih baik dihukum di dunia daripada di akhirat.
Well, I really don't know how to explain further, I guess this is it. :)
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
31st October 2012.
Today is tiring. but happy and wonderful.. ;)
Wafa' Open house
we have our open house for Eid and housewarming today,, it was fun, though it was really tiring since there's only 4 of us to do the chores.. but definitely worth it! I love seeing the smiles, the laughter from people who came. I hope the food is alright,, ;)
Wafa' Open house
we have our open house for Eid and housewarming today,, it was fun, though it was really tiring since there's only 4 of us to do the chores.. but definitely worth it! I love seeing the smiles, the laughter from people who came. I hope the food is alright,, ;)
How nice! thanks to those who came.. I really wanna do this again, though we're all complaining about how our backs hurt last night,lol.
It's Halloween day!
yes, 31st October is also a Halloween day, and yes, there are kids turning up on our front door for 'Trick or Treats'. And like always we have to hide; pretend like nobody's home, when all the candies have gone out,lol. No spare candies in this house.
I was planning to go out during Halloween night, but since we had open house today, I was too tired for that.
so, what's my Halloween memory?
I went to London Bridge Experience, got chased by monsters and ghosts in London Tomb, and on the way back home, we spent the time telling ghost stories in the train, he3.. with Intan and Wani, brave girls,lol.
Today is someone's birthday.
Guess who?
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Wrong number.
Sunday's story.
I was trying to grab my phone without looking at it and I realized there's a number on the screen. I thought somebody was calling me and then realized that 'I' was the one calling that person,, (!!) by accident of course. I quickly ended the call before somebody answered it.
After a bit of 'investigation' and looking back at the call history, I'm pretty sure the number belong to Kasturi, she gave it to me during our school visit last week. Then, I got a text from that number, asking,
"Who's this?".
And me, being so confident that it was Kasturi on the other line, I texted back saying;
"Kas, it's me Faiqah.. he3..sorry, I think I accidentally called your number.." (very Malaysian style, lol)
and got a reply;
"I'm not kas and I don't know who he is and where did you get my number??"
"You're not kas? Okay, she must hve given a wrong number to me. I'm sorry and I'll delete this number,, no worries." (me; trying to look all professional :p)
"Kas who??"
"Are u playing trick on me, kasturi? Is this really you or not?"
"No I'm not, I don't know how you or "kasturi" has got my number?"
this is the point where I started to lost my temper and get all annoyed...
"Fine then. Chill. She must hv got one number wrong when she gave me her number. No need to freak out.. gosh. Bye."
hah! puas hati ai. annoying. so much.
The fact that s/he cannot accept that: 'people can get a telephone number wrong somtimes' is so so annoying.
why act so scared and freaking out??
aahh.. I know...
that person could be a serial killer, or a secret undercover agent, or just Harry Styles from OneDirection.. lol
so that's why s/he is freaking out when people know her/his phone number.. pftftf..
kinda regretted after looking back at my last text to that person. so mean..
nah.. I think I should have write something nastier.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Salam Aidiladha :)
Third time menyambut Aidiladha in Portsmouth, UK,,yay
(weird, can't really remember how it went for the first two years, though..
where have my memories gone to?)
we're planning to have an 'open house' too.
coming soon.. he3
really looking forward for that,
p/s: today, is a really, really lovely day
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
"Are you feeling worried?" asked Linda.
"About what?" I asked her back.
"well... about anything?"
She was quite surprised seeing how extremely calm I was.
......Silent... I don't know. I don't know if I'm worried or not. Didn't really feel anything.Yet.
Seeing Linda for the first time to discuss on my independent project.
My IP is moving too slow.. I've changed my research topic for perhaps a dozen times by now.
It's really difficult to find something that I like enough to study extensively for months and months to come.
"Do you know which school you're going for SE?" She asked.
"Okay, what's your student ID?"
I thought she was gonna check the school placement for me but she opened my student profile and viewed my assignments' marks instead!. Arkkk...almost fell off my chair,huhu.
"Your marks aren't that bad...kinda go up and down.. but that's fine. I like this topic and you like this topic, let's work together and get a good mark for this (IP), alrite?"
Thanks Linda, that's a really kind words. I wish and I want a good mark for IP to make up for my previous bad marks. I feel lucky to have her as my supervisor. Linda is one of the 'cool' lecturers, she can be really unorganized and in mess sometimes, but she's really good in what she's doing. I really like her, haha ^_^.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
My Sidekicks.
When Mimi posted this picture on FB, I was overwhelmed by how cute and innocent () we are, ha3. Look at our slippers! This is a joy of being a girl, lol, I don't think boys wear these in their house, (or do they?). Anywayz.. you can see there are all kind of animals living in our house, frog (Mimi), cat (Nazihah), bear (Lia) and Rabbit (of course, mine!). This fluffy slippers come in handy to protect your feet from cold, really, not just intended for looking fancy.
If the picture was taken in Margate Road (my previous house), there's gonna be another 3 slippers.
Mal's, Didi's and Sanak's. (but i don't think selipar jepun Sanak is gonna fit in the pic, hahaha)
Lastly, I miss our GG, Ghost Generation (LOL) yg baru debut last sem.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Saturday Story.
Last Saturday, me and my friends went to London. My first visit to London after coming back to UK (if I didn't count Gatwick Airport as London, lol). How lucky I am to be in Portsmouth, since London is sooo reachable. Like I said, I hate London, but fun things always happen there, >_<.
We went to see a Japan Festival. Like an event to promote Japan culture, haha, you get the idea. Sushi, anime, kawaii stuff...ect,ect.
but... really embarrassing thing happened before we went to London T_T.
Since none of my housemates wanted to go, I've to go to the train station alone to meet up with others.
So the plan is to meet at Fratton train station before 8.20 am. I don't remember where is Fratton train station since I've always take train in Southsea train station. So, the night before, I did study Google Map to help me with the direction, (lol, dork). And my friend told me that it's near to ASDA, (5-8 min walk from our house) and she's so confident that it wont be a problem for me to go to ASDA alone,, cuz we always went there every week to buy chicken.
So, I woke up at 6 am,
shower, make-up, beakfast,
and started walking at 7.30 am,
and I got lost in the middle of Portsmouth.
I couldn't find ASDA which is supposed to be a 5 min walk from my house. I've been walking for so long I thought I've reached the neighbor village, lol.
All I did is to follow GPS from my phone and I don't know where I am, uwaaa T_T
naik bukit, turun bukit, last2 I call my housemate to ask for direction.
I told her, all I can see in front of me at that time is a church.
She asked me how on earth I ended up in front of a church?
I don't know.. I only followed my GPS.
She asked, which direction did I went when I first step out of the house, and I said, "Right"
"laa.. patutla sesat.... KIRI la!!"
so, to shorten the story....
my trip-mates were freaking out in the train station cuz I haven't arrived--I asked people to get to ASDA--Afza had to run from train station to find me---we met in front of ASDA (yay!)
but we missed the train.
(thankGod we did get on the next train-10 minutes later, pheww.)
I am so so so sorry for causing all the trouble.
utk Lia, yg dikacau tidurnya sbb sy call utk tnya jalan.
utk Afza, yg trpaksa berlari ke sana sini utk ambil sy.
utk Wani, Izzati, Rai, Nisa, Yana yg trlepas train sbb sy sesat.
I'm sorry, huhu.. i'm so bad with direction.
I might be the only human in Portsmouth who uses GPS maps to find ASDA...and still lost!
We went to see a Japan Festival. Like an event to promote Japan culture, haha, you get the idea. Sushi, anime, kawaii stuff...ect,ect.
but... really embarrassing thing happened before we went to London T_T.
Since none of my housemates wanted to go, I've to go to the train station alone to meet up with others.
So the plan is to meet at Fratton train station before 8.20 am. I don't remember where is Fratton train station since I've always take train in Southsea train station. So, the night before, I did study Google Map to help me with the direction, (lol, dork). And my friend told me that it's near to ASDA, (5-8 min walk from our house) and she's so confident that it wont be a problem for me to go to ASDA alone,, cuz we always went there every week to buy chicken.
but.. this is Faiqah. the worst, worst, WORST map-reader ever.
shower, make-up, beakfast,
and started walking at 7.30 am,
and I got lost in the middle of Portsmouth.
I couldn't find ASDA which is supposed to be a 5 min walk from my house. I've been walking for so long I thought I've reached the neighbor village, lol.
All I did is to follow GPS from my phone and I don't know where I am, uwaaa T_T
naik bukit, turun bukit, last2 I call my housemate to ask for direction.
I told her, all I can see in front of me at that time is a church.
She asked me how on earth I ended up in front of a church?
I don't know.. I only followed my GPS.
She asked, which direction did I went when I first step out of the house, and I said, "Right"
"laa.. patutla sesat.... KIRI la!!"
so, to shorten the story....
my trip-mates were freaking out in the train station cuz I haven't arrived--I asked people to get to ASDA--Afza had to run from train station to find me---we met in front of ASDA (yay!)
but we missed the train.
(thankGod we did get on the next train-10 minutes later, pheww.)
I am so so so sorry for causing all the trouble.
utk Lia, yg dikacau tidurnya sbb sy call utk tnya jalan.
utk Afza, yg trpaksa berlari ke sana sini utk ambil sy.
utk Wani, Izzati, Rai, Nisa, Yana yg trlepas train sbb sy sesat.
I'm sorry, huhu.. i'm so bad with direction.
I might be the only human in Portsmouth who uses GPS maps to find ASDA...and still lost!
Japan Matsuri 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
my Psychic~~
Just finished watching Pyschic (2010) Korean movie with my mates. My second time watching this and still can't get enough of it. So funny, so exciting, so cool!
I wish, I wish, I wish for a second movie but looking at how it ends.. sigh.. I doubt it.
waa... why it's always my fav character who gets ^*^%&*%$?? (this is to avoid spoiler).
and of course, my fav K actor is in it, Kang Dong Won.
Tall, thin and pale. Isn't that... freakin' adorable??
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Back to UK, o_o...
I'm now back in UK again, it has been a week actually.
aahhh bosannya..... x mau balik, x mau balik akhirnya sampai jugak ke sini, haha
with 19 hours total flight + transit 2 kali di Vietnam and German, fuhh.. patutlah smpai2 je kt airport UK tu rasa nak rebah menyembah bumi. Penat jugakla wlaupun kerja kita cuma duduk atas kerusi dalam kapal terbang. Waiting is like the worst thing ever when you're so exhausted.
Sampai UK terus demam, mybe sebab kepenatan, padahal baru je baik demam seminggu sebelum tu. Arghh, aii paling benci demam, benci sgt sgt. Sbb tu ai jarang demam, selalu berjaga2 supaya tidak sakit. So, kt Malaysia aii demam cuma setahun sekali. Satu lagi sbb problem dgn cuaca. Sampai2 UK jer dh start rasa sejuk yg teramat. well, it should be autumn at the moment kan? Napa dh mcm winter ni... mak aihh...sejuk nya rumah sewa ni..huuu
Esok, dh start pi kelas. Nasib baik kls esk start kul 4 ptg, yippee.. sem ni jadual agak memuaskan. klas start lewat petang semuanya, perfect for winter, he3.
I"m not going to be long in UK this year. 10 bulan jer pastu dah boleh balik Malaysia, yes!
bagusla, aii dh x larat nk duduk sini. Masa cuti 3 bulan kt Mlaysia bru2 ni, ak lgsung x teringatkan pasal UK, LANGSUNG x! In fact, I enjoyed every minute, every second in Malaysia. X puas cuti. Heret kaki pergi KLIA. X mau balik! ( kes sbb nk kna buat dissertation ni..)
Lepas ni rasa nk rajin2 kan diri la berblog. Suka sgt nk berblog sebenarnya tp malas nak menaip, haha..
okeh, more updates are coming.
till then,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
OMG, I love Chinen Yuuri!!

He's in the new j-drama, Sprout~
I love, love love love loveee this drama!
I love every second of it!
Finally, a decent jdrama that worth watching and waiting
and waiting is a pain cuz this drama has not finished airing yet-
plus, every episode is very short (20min++)
and it comes out only once a week! huhu, why??!!
He's in the new j-drama, Sprout~
I love, love love love loveee this drama!
I love every second of it!
Finally, a decent jdrama that worth watching and waiting
and waiting is a pain cuz this drama has not finished airing yet-
plus, every episode is very short (20min++)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Semakin hari, semakin awkward.
Aku rindu kamu, bukan kamu, tapi kamu.
Aku ingin berjumpa dengan kamu, ingin sangat2...
tapi nampak gayanya aku akn bertemu dgn kamu yg lain. (arghhh... tensionnya)
all this time, I only want you. not you, but you.
I miss you. not the other person~
Aku rindu kamu, bukan kamu, tapi kamu.
Aku ingin berjumpa dengan kamu, ingin sangat2...
tapi nampak gayanya aku akn bertemu dgn kamu yg lain. (arghhh... tensionnya)
all this time, I only want you. not you, but you.
I miss you. not the other person~
Monday, August 13, 2012
14th August~
Last but not least:
crazy post is crazy, im sorry. 0.o
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Kisah awal2 start puasa hari tu...
Teringat time kecik2 hari tu, bila bulan puasa saya akan ikut mak saya ke surau lps sahur utk smbhyang subuh berjemaah. Terasa seperti satu adventure, meredah 'jalan rahsia' dalam keheningan subuh utk ke surau yg dekat jer dengan rumah. Kami berdua sahaja. Bila dah berbelas tahun berlalu (amboih tuanya ambe..) saya sangat rindu utk mengulangi pengalaman itu. Sangat2 rindu. Bila tanya kat mak, alangkah terkejutnya (xla terkejut tp agak trkejut jugak) sbb surau tu dah x buat sembahyang subuh berjemaah.
"Lah, bkpe plak?? dulu buat?"
"Xdak org nk jadi imam, sembhyang terawikh pun mujur ade Ustaz (lupa nama) nk tolong jadi imam."
"What?? dah xde orang lelaki dah ke dalam kampung ni yg boleh jadi IMAM??" saya bertanya dengan dramatiknya.
" hmm.. org lelaki sume jadi doktor"
"Tp jadi doktor pun boleh jadi imam.."
"Bukan doktor tu; doktor kat pusat serenti..."
aiseh, mak saya menggunakan kaedah 'symbolism' rupanya. Doktor yg dimaksudkan rupanya penagih2 dxdxh di pusat serenti.
Sedihnya ai.
Tiba2 terasa sekali kepupusan kaum lelaki yg baik2, yang boleh menjadi imam solat.
Adakah suatu hari nnti kita trpksa berimamkan seorg perempuan plak sbb dh xde lelaki yg layak? Oh, patheticnya.
Teringat time kecik2 hari tu, bila bulan puasa saya akan ikut mak saya ke surau lps sahur utk smbhyang subuh berjemaah. Terasa seperti satu adventure, meredah 'jalan rahsia' dalam keheningan subuh utk ke surau yg dekat jer dengan rumah. Kami berdua sahaja. Bila dah berbelas tahun berlalu (amboih tuanya ambe..) saya sangat rindu utk mengulangi pengalaman itu. Sangat2 rindu. Bila tanya kat mak, alangkah terkejutnya (xla terkejut tp agak trkejut jugak) sbb surau tu dah x buat sembahyang subuh berjemaah.
"Lah, bkpe plak?? dulu buat?"
"Xdak org nk jadi imam, sembhyang terawikh pun mujur ade Ustaz (lupa nama) nk tolong jadi imam."
"What?? dah xde orang lelaki dah ke dalam kampung ni yg boleh jadi IMAM??" saya bertanya dengan dramatiknya.
" hmm.. org lelaki sume jadi doktor"
"Tp jadi doktor pun boleh jadi imam.."
"Bukan doktor tu; doktor kat pusat serenti..."
aiseh, mak saya menggunakan kaedah 'symbolism' rupanya. Doktor yg dimaksudkan rupanya penagih2 dxdxh di pusat serenti.
Sedihnya ai.
Tiba2 terasa sekali kepupusan kaum lelaki yg baik2, yang boleh menjadi imam solat.
Adakah suatu hari nnti kita trpksa berimamkan seorg perempuan plak sbb dh xde lelaki yg layak? Oh, patheticnya.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Fight and Forgive.
Gaduh lagi..

Biasalah budak ala2 x cukup umor cam sy ni slalu tercari pasal dgn org tu..
..............saya sudah penat bergaduh, penat, penat! it doesnt feel good at all!!
and it's not entirely your fault too.. maybe you were just in the wrong time, in the wrong place.
waktu itu saya di rumah, di hadapan laptop, tengah menunggu kawan yg sy kasihi... ada perkara yg perlu kami selesaikan, dan mood agak x berapa baik time tu.. =(
tiba2 plak dia boleh call..
panik gila la time tu.. selalu sy yg call dia, n bila sy yg pilih utk call dahulu, mmg ada bnda yg nk dicakap, masalah utk di minta tolong, soalan utk dijawab.. material2 utk perbualan itu sudah tersedia.....
tp bila dia yg call tiba2, habislah ak.. apa ak nk cakap ni..
Panik2... dlm kepanikan itu sy mnjawab call dia secara merapu.. tambah2 lg mak dan adik plak besar mata2 n telinga nk skodeng prbualan ak dgn dia.. heiii, tolongla.... di rumah wafa bleh la sy bersembunyi ckp dlm bilik.. ni di rumah, mmg xda tempat nk sembunyi. serius, pressure yg teramat sgt!
So, sbb saya merapu dan x dpt fokus apa dia ckp, dia pon agknya ter annoyed dgn kepelikan sy saat itu, lalu dia pun tertinggikan suara kt sy. (Berani kamu yer..
lalu sy pon ckp sy nk sembhyang dulu, so dia pon kata okay, akn call balik. sy sgt pasti dia sedar dia dh buat sy bengang dgn meninggikan suara kat sy yg x bersalah ni. jelas, ada nada kekesalan dari suaranya.. tp, ah lantaklah. sedih sgt time tu smpai x boleh nk pikir ape2 lg.
then, an hour aftr that, dia call balik, but i never answered. =P
Now that i've recall back the things that happened.. it seems that the problem is so small.
not worth fighting and avoiding each other.
but at that time, i was deeply hurt.
not only by that particular person actually, but by other problems..
like i said, you're just in the wrong time, in the wrong place, and you did something i hate the most.
yelling at me. people don't yell at me. Haha, once you do that, it's OVER. that's it. I won't like you anymore.
what's going to happen?
Urusan sy dengan 'kawan yg sy kasihi' itu sudah selesai.
sekarang kamu pulak.
sy cepat marah, tp sebenarnya cepat sejuk jugak,
tp sy jenis yg lambat menghulurkan kemaafan
sbb x pndai nk berdepan dgn seseorg bila sy dh buat salah.
sy = jenis yg suka melarikan diri. and pretend like nothing has happened. for that, i'm so sorryy..
sy ni.. x cukup dewasa lagi sebenarnya..haish.
i'm so sorry, my friend. I'll find a way to make it up to you.
I'm sorry!!
..............saya sudah penat bergaduh, penat, penat! it doesnt feel good at all!!
and it's not entirely your fault too.. maybe you were just in the wrong time, in the wrong place.
waktu itu saya di rumah, di hadapan laptop, tengah menunggu kawan yg sy kasihi... ada perkara yg perlu kami selesaikan, dan mood agak x berapa baik time tu.. =(
tiba2 plak dia boleh call..
panik gila la time tu.. selalu sy yg call dia, n bila sy yg pilih utk call dahulu, mmg ada bnda yg nk dicakap, masalah utk di minta tolong, soalan utk dijawab.. material2 utk perbualan itu sudah tersedia.....
tp bila dia yg call tiba2, habislah ak.. apa ak nk cakap ni..
Panik2... dlm kepanikan itu sy mnjawab call dia secara merapu.. tambah2 lg mak dan adik plak besar mata2 n telinga nk skodeng prbualan ak dgn dia.. heiii, tolongla.... di rumah wafa bleh la sy bersembunyi ckp dlm bilik.. ni di rumah, mmg xda tempat nk sembunyi. serius, pressure yg teramat sgt!
So, sbb saya merapu dan x dpt fokus apa dia ckp, dia pon agknya ter annoyed dgn kepelikan sy saat itu, lalu dia pun tertinggikan suara kt sy. (Berani kamu yer..
apa lagi.. sentap la org ni..
lalu sy pon ckp sy nk sembhyang dulu, so dia pon kata okay, akn call balik. sy sgt pasti dia sedar dia dh buat sy bengang dgn meninggikan suara kat sy yg x bersalah ni. jelas, ada nada kekesalan dari suaranya.. tp, ah lantaklah. sedih sgt time tu smpai x boleh nk pikir ape2 lg.
then, an hour aftr that, dia call balik, but i never answered. =P
Now that i've recall back the things that happened.. it seems that the problem is so small.
not worth fighting and avoiding each other.
but at that time, i was deeply hurt.
not only by that particular person actually, but by other problems..
like i said, you're just in the wrong time, in the wrong place, and you did something i hate the most.
yelling at me. people don't yell at me. Haha, once you do that, it's OVER. that's it. I won't like you anymore.
what's going to happen?
Urusan sy dengan 'kawan yg sy kasihi' itu sudah selesai.
sekarang kamu pulak.
sy cepat marah, tp sebenarnya cepat sejuk jugak,
tp sy jenis yg lambat menghulurkan kemaafan
sbb x pndai nk berdepan dgn seseorg bila sy dh buat salah.
sy = jenis yg suka melarikan diri. and pretend like nothing has happened. for that, i'm so sorryy..
sy ni.. x cukup dewasa lagi sebenarnya..haish.
i'm so sorry, my friend. I'll find a way to make it up to you.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
m.i.s.s. you!
Miss you... i miss my sisters in UK...
haven't see them a lot in Fb, twitter, blogs.. ect... recently..
where are they? what are they doing? how are they doing... ?
hope to hear from you guys soon.
miss you, chuu~ ♥
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Butterfly fly away~
I'm scared of you, i really am.
Next time if someone wish to be a part of my life,
i should prepare a document with a list;
Name: Faiqah
Sorry, but this girl is a bit crazy, shows little emotion in real life but can be very emotional in writings and texting. So, she might be goofy and silly when writing to you, but IRL she's so quiet.
sometimes is confident but feeling insecure most of the time.
always dream of dating a bad boy, but cries easily when a boy scolds her. so, guess she should find a super nice guy instead, haha. >_<.
if she likes a boy, she'll treat him like hell.
if she treats a guy nicely, then he's merely a friend.
so, if she's being bad to you, it's not that she hates you, it's totally the opposite!!
she likes
she hates
she can be annoying, clingy, irritating, a mess.. but that's only happen when she's feeling insecure.
she can be your bestest friend if only you could accept her in your life.
okay, i'm just being random here.
I'm tired of living up to people's expectation!!!
I'm tired of trying to be nice to people who treats me like craps.
yes, we get to know somebody slowly through being friends.
but this process is killing me!
i wish i could give you a 'descriptions about me' beforehand so you can either; like it or leave it. it's that simple.
i feel as if you're judging me, expecting me to be all nice and perfect. I'm not allowed to break down, not allowed to be annoying, i'm not allowed to be ME........
I'm just a kid, you should know better.
show me that not all guys are bad.
Next time if someone wish to be a part of my life,
i should prepare a document with a list;
Name: Faiqah
Sorry, but this girl is a bit crazy, shows little emotion in real life but can be very emotional in writings and texting. So, she might be goofy and silly when writing to you, but IRL she's so quiet.
sometimes is confident but feeling insecure most of the time.
always dream of dating a bad boy, but cries easily when a boy scolds her. so, guess she should find a super nice guy instead, haha. >_<.
if she likes a boy, she'll treat him like hell.
if she treats a guy nicely, then he's merely a friend.
so, if she's being bad to you, it's not that she hates you, it's totally the opposite!!
she likes
she hates
she can be annoying, clingy, irritating, a mess.. but that's only happen when she's feeling insecure.
she can be your bestest friend if only you could accept her in your life.
okay, i'm just being random here.
I'm tired of living up to people's expectation!!!
I'm tired of trying to be nice to people who treats me like craps.
yes, we get to know somebody slowly through being friends.
but this process is killing me!
i wish i could give you a 'descriptions about me' beforehand so you can either; like it or leave it. it's that simple.
i feel as if you're judging me, expecting me to be all nice and perfect. I'm not allowed to break down, not allowed to be annoying, i'm not allowed to be ME........
I'm just a kid, you should know better.
show me that not all guys are bad.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
School's over...
At last! My days in Henry Cort community college is over!
no more stalking Justin Bieber in English class.. ha3
A week spending visiting schools, a lot of my friends fall sick between the days, yep, visiting schools take a hell lot of energy and determination, I'm glad it's all over! yehaa~!
now what? head back to Malaysia I guess.
no more stalking Justin Bieber in English class.. ha3
A week spending visiting schools, a lot of my friends fall sick between the days, yep, visiting schools take a hell lot of energy and determination, I'm glad it's all over! yehaa~!
now what? head back to Malaysia I guess.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
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A boy wrote this comment on a song I was listening to on Youtube. He probably was referring to the music video, a guy whose cheated by two girls and ended up with nobody.
Boy, whoever you are, you have my respect.
I can stand guys being naughty or evil or bad ect, ect...but I hate those who didn't respect women. Guys who dare to hit women ,,, I hate these kind of guys..ewww..
And I agree with him;
"Girls can bully boys but boys must never bully girls."
lol, looks unfair isn't it? haha
anyway...The boy who wrote that comment, is a real gentleman, i love you for that, well done! ^_^
p/s: I love to tease boys, bully them and seeing them making this sad face.. aww.. so cute! haha.. but really, if they bully me back, erkk.. that's scary. Pls, let us hit you, I'm sure it won't scratch you a bit, but please don't hit us back, you know you guys are a lot stronger than us!