Friday, February 24, 2012

Winter is over!

 no more pain, no more tears...

cuz Spring is here!! 



and my friend is still with his yellow slipper, lol

cuaca elok,
elaun dah masuk,
tapi sy plak jatuh sakit.. T_T
xpe2.. sembuh nanti, I wanna go window shopping! yeay =))

Sunday, February 19, 2012

In relationship...

The moment when you found out that- your crush is in a relationship...

funny... hahahaha >_<

okay, if that 'person' dares to announce he is in a relationship on Facebook..
I am so going to...  wait, what am I going to do??

better start planning a love confession from now, i guess..

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Budak pelik.~(◐.̃◐)~

One day in Park Building.. I found someone dressed so weird that I need to take a picture..


hiding when his pics taken..


hahaha.. the only weird thing is he wore thick winter jacket with err.. a pair of yellow slippers.. apa tema dia ni? winter+summer? lolz,,

p/s: saya x de FB skang.. so terpaksa malukan mamat ni kt blog.. hahaha

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Birthday Girl prank (¬‿¬) ✌

Today, we celebrated Mimi's birthday and Sanak's belated birthday. 
we give them birthday balloons and giant b-day cards which they have to carry around to class. what an evil idea, my housemates are genius!

 Sanak in Susan's class

 Sanak and Mimi, the birthday girls and Daus (pencapap) in Susan's class

 Carrying birthday balloon in the streets

Mimi pun kena!

But I've to carry Sanak's ballon halfway back because she needs to go to other class. omg, it really is embarrassing!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday morning.

Today, it's Friday.

I woke up early in the morning because I got class at 9 am, in St. George. It's quite far than usual Park Building. I hate to walk there cuz of the traffic. I'm so sleepy, I thought I wanna skip this class. ahhhhhh!! woof woof~ I want to sleep~~

So, lazily woke up, dress up, eat breakfast, and crap, I'm already late.

But then nobody in my house was preparing to go to class at that hour.

Went to Sanak's room and saw her lying on the bed.
then she told me the saddest thing ever.
There's no class today, we already have that class on Wednesday.

but why it's written in the timetable?????
why I don't understand my own Timetable???
Why I didn't realize that I have no classes on Friday?

Friday is my holiday, yay!!

okay, now since I've woke up and can't sleep back,
i don;t know what to do for the rest of the day.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Have you ever experienced coldness so cold that you feel like-- your fingers are going to break and shatter like glasses?

I just had one today. It's as painful as it sounds. =P

So cold that the air seems so sharp, it rips my skins apart.
Everyday I'll walk to class in tears, 'cause the wind hurt my eyes. T_T
My feet turns blue; so are my lips.

Everytime I tell my family or friends in Malaysia about how cold I am here,
they'll just smile and laugh and say how lucky, Malaysia panas etc ect...
oh, If only you knew that I'm in constant pain everyday.

how I miss the summer warmth!!
How I miss being able to move around freely.
How I miss going out in a single layer of clothes.

well, you'll never appreciate anything till they're gone.

It's still not snowing in Portsmouth though the temp used to be as low as -8
Hell, who cares about snow anyway, I just want the winter to be over.. I wanna be free again!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Saya penat =(

Baru 2 minggu start belajar,  ak sudah separuh mati hidup dengan jadual baru...

 maybe cuz this is my first time going to classes at 9 everyday..
Nobody wants to go out at 9 in the morning.  Not in winter!
it's always negative something out there -the weather. mm..really bad.

and I have to go through the cold air everyday walking to class..

I'm tired.. bored..

You know what I miss most ?

I miss M!

I miss Malaysia.

I miss the warm Matahari.

dah bosan kat sini.

Saya rindu bunyi ayam berkokok di subuh hari..
Saya rindu bunyi azan dari masjid
saya rindu dikelilingi orang2 Melayu.
Those familiar faces..

Setiap kali stalk Facebook kawan2 or junior2 dekat IPDA,
I'm jealous!
I think they're having more fun than us..
buat aktiviti dekat tasik, berkhemah, pergi sekolah2.
we don't have all that here.

me and my classmates..
it seems like we're miles and miles apart.
we only meet each other a few hours everyday, in class.
and we don't actually hve much time to chat.

I miss us.
I miss the time in IPDA.
I miss being with them everyday, doing fun stuff.
I miss everything. Don't know why.
I just feel like missing every 'little thing' I used to have.

this is not homesick. this is 'country'sick,lol.
I miss the whole Malaysia
and the memories I left there.

ironically, I'm deactivating Facebook cuz I need a rest from 'you'.

Monday, February 6, 2012


"Rase2 la kn.. Anugerah yg d0wng mng nie b0ley bawak msuk dlm kbur x nti… :) rambut saye hanye utk husband.. Kulit sye hanye hsbnd sye jer b0ley tgk.. Fuhh.. Harap kekal la iman.. :)"
 "dasar ahli neraka jahanam…"
 "moga2 artis pompuan yg “tak tahan panas” tu insap n dpt jauhkan diri dr neraka.. kang kat neraka panas nak buka baju ape lak?"
 "dia pakai skirt jugak bodoh. kalau dia lelaki takpe la bangang. lelaki aurat pusat hingga lutut. bodoh!"
 "Lalu berkatalah api nerakaa..best2..ramainya akan masuk ke dalam kawahku kelak..tak sabar nak tunggu..akan ku salai semua betis2 gebu kat atas,akan ku bakar semua rambut2 yang dipamer..sure aku kenyangg…burrpppppp !!"
"....lagu macam nak masuk jamban berak sembelit hitam…fashion plak cam Nasrani mabok. Semoga Allah membuka hatinya untuk berhijab betul2."
(komen dari pelbagai pengguna internet)

Semua nak berdakwah, semua nak mengajak ke arah kebaikan, tapi berapa ramai kah yang betul2 mengamalkan adab2 berdakwah?

Antara adab dalam berdakwah ialah berhikmah dan bijaksana;

Hendaklah dakwah ke jalan Allah itu dilakukan dengan hikmah dan cara yang baik serta penuh lemah-lembut ketika menerangkan kebenaran, sebagaimana firman Allah Ta’ala :

ادْعُ إِلِى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ

”Serulah ke jalan tuhanmu dengan cara yang hikmah dan pelajaran yang baik.” (QS an-Nahl : 125)

Apabila dakwah ke jalan Allah dilakukan dengan sikap kasar dan bengis, maka akan lebih banyak memudaratkan daripada memberi manfaat.

Dalam memberi nasihat dan menyampaikan Islam kepada org, hendaklah kita perbetulkan niat terlebih dahulu. Apakah niat kita? Ikhlas kah kita? Atau sekadar nak mengutuk dan menghina orang?

Janganlah sampai kerana bahasa dan tingkah laku kita yang terlalu kasar dan menghina, orang semakin membenci dan menjauhkan diri daripada Islam. Sedangkan niat kita hendak mengajak mereka kepada agama. Kadang2 sebab cara yang salah ini, ramai yang takut kepada agama Islam.

Mungkin sesetengah org rasa, perlu menasihati secara kasar bila masyarakat sudah terlalu degil, tapi janganlah sampai kita menyumpah seranah, memaki hamun dan senang2 jer menjatuhkan hukum neraka ke atas seseorang itu, ini langsung tidak mencerminkan agama Islam yang aman dan indah.

☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃