Oh, sedapnye lada jarum
pedas menyengat kalbu..
kikiki..I'm the kind of person who love spicy food very2 much
but I don't like herbs or spices,
not those kind of spicy, I love 'chilies'
I always add them in everything I eat, maggi, nasi goreng, soup, noodles..
everything that suits
kalo xde cili/lada/cabai,
cam x lengkap makanan tu,,haha
tapi kat sini..sob2.. xsempat nk beli cili lagi..
so far, the only things I eat here are
fast food, room-made maggi kosong ,nasi goreng+udang segera haha..
lucky I have that little rice cooker!
ko memang banyak berjasa kat ak
first day I arrived, I'm soooo hungry and tried to cook maggi
memula try masak dlm bilik dulu..
pastu baru tgh didihkan air, I terbau something hangit..
alamak.. kang x pasal2 terbakar karpet bilik ak!
I pon bergegas sambil usung periuk nasi tu ke dapur terdekat
and siapkan maggi kat situ..hehehe
but after that, I just cook inside my room
just have to be careful with the smoke detector..he3
first time masak maggi guna periuk nasi
not bad. I just eat maggi straight from periuk hahaha..
perasaan mmg mcm pengemis
sedihnye hidup ak..

but yesterday we went shopping and I bought some prawns
it written on the packets; cooked and peeled prawns
so, ape lagi, bedal la makan trus dari plastik
sedap tul udang rebus ni.. berjus!
ooppss, i tinggalkan sket utk ambik gmbr..
today, i tried to cook nasi goreng
i cooked the rice first and it turned out to be porridge
okay, too much water
and I left it exposed to air for a few hours
and tetiba jadi keras plak.
adoii.. experiment ape ni..
last2 jadi gak la nasi goreng
ramuannye cuma lah vegetable oil, rice, perencah nasi goreng and udang segera
sedap la gak.. actually this is my first time ever buat nasi goreng tanpa bantuan sape2
and guna alatan moden yaitu periuk nasi plak tu..
I'm so proud of myself..hahaa
btul la org kata kalo dah desperate tu.. yg x reti masak pon tiba2 jadi terrer..
haha.. nampak je cam ape.. tp sedap jugak sebenarnye..hihi
ahh.. seronoknye kalo duk ramai2.. cam 'penduduk kat Langstone' tu..
boleh wat aktiviti masak-memasak ramai2..
Nk wat camne.. ak ade penyakit nervous terlampau bila memasak
dalam erti kata lain,
ak memang x reti memasak langsung...
xpela.. I believe I'll be a better cook after this, yeah ganbatte!!

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