Hi, at times I'm writing this, I'm just having the greatest journey of my life. haha..
actually nothing much, just nk kongsi kisah pertama kali naik kapal terbang.. hihihihi.. jakun tul budak ni..
anyway, I just need to write this because I've told my lil sister to open this blog and tell everything I wrote in this to my mom. so, this is like the way I'm communicating with them.. and yeah, to everyone else reading this (harap2 xdela..) this is so laame................. so, beware!
We left to KL on the night of second day Raya.. bayangkanla baru raya 2 hari dah kena pergi tinggalkan rumah..huhu
on the fourth day of Raya, we all went to KLIA.. the flight is at 11.40 pm but we need to be there at 5 pm.. and we actually arrived there earlier, 3.45 pm. jenuh gak nak menunggu. And my family left me at around 6.30 pm..huhu.. xmau tgk ak berlepas ker?? hmm.. nak wat camne, kesian gak kt org lain yg terpaksa menunggu lama.. xpela..
so my luggage is just 24.6 kg and I regretted not putting more stuff in it.. at least 2,3 packs of Maggi more,, and I've only 2 bags, a luggage and a laptop bag.. while other people brings like 3,4 bags each.. heh, I memang sempoi~ T_T
the Waiting is just the hardest thing, since my family has gone much earlier, I just wanna hop into the plane as soon as possible. malas da nak menunggu, and all those procedures before the flight is soooo tiring..ingat da naik kapal terbang nnti, I just wanna sleep!
For me, one of the sweetest memory is when all of us are in the last terminal, a lot of people, well, my friends family of course, were watching us from the second floor, lambai2, tangkap2 gambar, sbb kitaorg ramai, mmg meriah gila time nk masuk dlm kapal terbang tu.. huhu, wish my family was there too at that time...
at around 11.47, finally we can get into the plane. Nasib baik duk dgn Shin Win and Timah, x la ketat sangat rasanya, and I'm in the middle, so, pretty much balanced, hee..
ah, utk budak kampong cam ak ni, detik yg x dapat dilupakan msti la time kapal terbang tu terangkat ke udara, wow, I'm flying baby! Dah lama nk terasa terbang sejak tengok citer Peter Pan tu.. hoho.. happy happy! (sori, bdk ni mmg slalu trlebih excited)
emm.. duk dlm kapal terbang ni x la best sgt, ak rasa duk dlm bas laagi best, at least ada gak pergerakan turun naik bukit, break mengejut, goyang2.. haha.. seriously, kapal terbang ni.. stabil sgt, rasa cam x bergerak lgsung.. baguslah.. tapi lenguh2 badan!!
ha.. lagi satu yg best sbb boleh tgk movie.. so, ak pon browsed through the movies and pick The Last Airbender.. he he he.. my comment,
Ang- too emotionless
Prince Zuko-too confused
Sokka-too serious
Katara- always lookin for 'unnecessary' troubles. (she's so stupid!)
actually nothing much, just nk kongsi kisah pertama kali naik kapal terbang.. hihihihi.. jakun tul budak ni..
anyway, I just need to write this because I've told my lil sister to open this blog and tell everything I wrote in this to my mom. so, this is like the way I'm communicating with them.. and yeah, to everyone else reading this (harap2 xdela..) this is so laame................. so, beware!
We left to KL on the night of second day Raya.. bayangkanla baru raya 2 hari dah kena pergi tinggalkan rumah..huhu
on the fourth day of Raya, we all went to KLIA.. the flight is at 11.40 pm but we need to be there at 5 pm.. and we actually arrived there earlier, 3.45 pm. jenuh gak nak menunggu. And my family left me at around 6.30 pm..huhu.. xmau tgk ak berlepas ker?? hmm.. nak wat camne, kesian gak kt org lain yg terpaksa menunggu lama.. xpela..
so my luggage is just 24.6 kg and I regretted not putting more stuff in it.. at least 2,3 packs of Maggi more,, and I've only 2 bags, a luggage and a laptop bag.. while other people brings like 3,4 bags each.. heh, I memang sempoi~ T_T
the Waiting is just the hardest thing, since my family has gone much earlier, I just wanna hop into the plane as soon as possible. malas da nak menunggu, and all those procedures before the flight is soooo tiring..ingat da naik kapal terbang nnti, I just wanna sleep!
For me, one of the sweetest memory is when all of us are in the last terminal, a lot of people, well, my friends family of course, were watching us from the second floor, lambai2, tangkap2 gambar, sbb kitaorg ramai, mmg meriah gila time nk masuk dlm kapal terbang tu.. huhu, wish my family was there too at that time...
at around 11.47, finally we can get into the plane. Nasib baik duk dgn Shin Win and Timah, x la ketat sangat rasanya, and I'm in the middle, so, pretty much balanced, hee..
emm.. duk dlm kapal terbang ni x la best sgt, ak rasa duk dlm bas laagi best, at least ada gak pergerakan turun naik bukit, break mengejut, goyang2.. haha.. seriously, kapal terbang ni.. stabil sgt, rasa cam x bergerak lgsung.. baguslah.. tapi lenguh2 badan!!
ha.. lagi satu yg best sbb boleh tgk movie.. so, ak pon browsed through the movies and pick The Last Airbender.. he he he.. my comment,
Ang- too emotionless
Prince Zuko-too confused
Sokka-too serious
Katara- always lookin for 'unnecessary' troubles. (she's so stupid!)

Disebabkan sakit hati yg melampau, I just watched for 20 minutes and listen to songs instead.Then, I also watched Just For Laugh gags, and G-Force! ha.. yg ni best.. cam nk kiss kiss jer hamsters yg berlakon dlm tu.. comel sgt2!!

ok2.. back to my story,, I didn't really get much sleep during the 13 hours flight, but what I like to do is checking the place that the plane is crossing now. Seronok bila nmpak kat screen, current location, India, and then I fell asleep and awake, look at the screen again, current location, Hamburg, German, fell asleep again and later, current location: Russia... and it goes on and on until we arrived. fuh, rasa cam dh menjelajah separuh dunia walaupun cuma lalu aje.. he3
and the weather, suhu dlm kapal x la sejuk sgt, tp agk sejuk la,, cam dlm bas lah.. tapi suhu 'luar' dari kapal terbang is very extreme! sometimes -25 c, -11c, 1c... depends on the country we're passing by..mak oii..
food! I mmg lookin forward for food! tapi bila diorg nk bg supper tu, ak salah faham igtkan dia tanya nak tambah air ke, ak jwb la x mau and row ak tu sume x makan sbb diorang tido.. bila ak pusing belakang,, tu dia.. sume dok melantap makanan best gila! adoi.. nk menangis ak, huhu.. xpelah trpaksa tunggu breakfast plak.
bila breakfast datang beberapa jam kemudian, ak mmg x lepaskan peluang, yah! ak pon pilih set western sbb ak x berapa gemar dgn nasi lemak, so ada orange juice, strawberry yogurt, fruits, bread, butter, strawberry jam, coffee, omelet with mushroom and chicken sausage.. ya, mmg sehingga menjilat jari.. tapi terLALu banyak utk ak.. so, blom sempat ak licinkan semuanya dia dh ambik balik utk tujuan mengemas,, hu3.. lupa lak nk ambik yg x abis tu, bungkus!
food! I mmg lookin forward for food! tapi bila diorg nk bg supper tu, ak salah faham igtkan dia tanya nak tambah air ke, ak jwb la x mau and row ak tu sume x makan sbb diorang tido.. bila ak pusing belakang,, tu dia.. sume dok melantap makanan best gila! adoi.. nk menangis ak, huhu.. xpelah trpaksa tunggu breakfast plak.
bila breakfast datang beberapa jam kemudian, ak mmg x lepaskan peluang, yah! ak pon pilih set western sbb ak x berapa gemar dgn nasi lemak, so ada orange juice, strawberry yogurt, fruits, bread, butter, strawberry jam, coffee, omelet with mushroom and chicken sausage.. ya, mmg sehingga menjilat jari.. tapi terLALu banyak utk ak.. so, blom sempat ak licinkan semuanya dia dh ambik balik utk tujuan mengemas,, hu3.. lupa lak nk ambik yg x abis tu, bungkus!
bila dh dekat2 nk sampai tu, berdebar gila rasanya.. mcm x percaya jer.. baru tadi duk kat KLIA skang bila bukak mata jer, dh sampai tempat lain.. lain gila plak tu..
pastu naik bas pergi Portsmouth, 2 jam.. almost..walaupon sgt2 excited nk tengok pemandangan luar yg best, ada kuda, ada biri2.. ada padang rumput, bangunan yg cantik, tapi sbb terlalu penat, sempat la terlelap beberapa kali atas bas.

and then we check in, went to our room and settle down.. hahaha
this is like the brief summary of everything that happened on last 13 and 14 September 2010..
and there's lots more to tell, but one thing at a time, kayz..
p/s: sorry for the 'bahasa rojak' and grammar, tenses lintang pukang.. I'm just too tired and I've to finish this as quick as I can, so, I just type down everything yg terlintas kat kepala, and I'm too lazy to concentrate on one language and do the editing.. bleh.. hahaha
this is like the brief summary of everything that happened on last 13 and 14 September 2010..
and there's lots more to tell, but one thing at a time, kayz..
p/s: sorry for the 'bahasa rojak' and grammar, tenses lintang pukang.. I'm just too tired and I've to finish this as quick as I can, so, I just type down everything yg terlintas kat kepala, and I'm too lazy to concentrate on one language and do the editing.. bleh.. hahaha
In the story of Peter Pan, all you need to fly is a sprinkle of fairy dust and think of happy thoughts..then, you're off to fly! =)

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