Monday, September 27, 2010

My corridor mates and my Secret Mission...

Seronoknya Bateson flat!

Hello peeps! So, I went to Intan's flat yesterday and met some of her flatmates. They are so awesome! Omg, lucky,lucky! Intan is so lucky to have such friendly flatmates! I just realize that I need to start knowing my 'corridor' mates too... yang seblom ni bukan main duk kutuk..heee


So, apa strategi Faiqah?? okay, this is the plan. I'll go downstairs and bought a Pepsi, and then I'll drink half of it and just walk into the kitchen (where they usually chillin out), pretending like I'm putting the Pepsi into the fridge, and saw them and I'll acting all bubbly; Hello??? wassup guys??? How'd ya doin, mates!! (oh x delah,, mereng sangat ni..).


The purpose of me doing this is because (bukan ak teringin sgt pon nk kawan dgn geng2 org putih ni...) I just need to get a good impression.
Okay, ak tau apa yang korang pikir, >what???, does it matter?? hello, of course la it matter! ingat x ak yg paling senior dlm hall ni? (kes daftar awal seminggu) and I've been hiding like a scared dog in my room cause I'm paranoid with strangers. . memang sedih la hidup I, hari2 duk cakap dengan laptop, dengan dinding, laptop, dinding...sampai bila beta nak hidup cmni?? lagi berbulan-bulan ak nak duk dalam Harry Law ni.. keluar2 jadik gila kang!

the story,

so, nak tak nak, I need to go out and mingle!! So far I jumpa diorang kat dapur time nak ambik susu dan letak susu je.. (terpaksa sebab nanti basi kalo letak dalam bilik). I went in and they were like,

and I was like "erk..hello, hello" sambil tersenyum yang sangat awkward (bleh..=P)

masuk bilik mesti terguling-guling sebab ak malu dengan diri sendiri...

and and and.. I don't want them to think that, I'm a muslim girl, so I dont wanna mix with them..Haraaammm! eii, banyak la ko punya haram.. don't judge the people by it's tudung tau!
x mau la biar diorang ada tanggapan negatif kat orang Islam, sombong la, x bergaul la.. pehh.. respect gila kat niat suci murni Faiqah ni... hoho

pastu.. ya memang ak betul2 buat la step demi step tu.. turun bawah, beli coke..bla2.. smpai kat dapur, ak pon buat la introduction ak, "Hai, orang kampung, ak mau memperkenalkan diri sendiri..!!" lebih kurang la.. cuma dalam bahasa inggeris jer..and they were like

hee.. ak pon sama jugak ler... sengih jer..
diorang bagitau nama masing2.. tapi lepas 3 saat terus ak lupa semuanya... nama ak lagi la.. belum bagitau lagi pon diorang dah lupa.. ah, biasala nama exotic..
brape kali nak bagitau??? faiqah faiqah faiqah!!!!

............................ to be continued..

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