One of so many cool things in UK,
Car boot sale!
it's a place where people sells unwanted but still useful items out of their car's boot.
Car boot sale!
it's a place where people sells unwanted but still useful items out of their car's boot.
So, what did I bought? some pretty interesting things I guess..hihihi
ok.. list ikut ranking yer.. from the

oppss.. bukan nk pakai yep.. (hishh, pakai towel secondhand!) Beli sbb nak lap lantai bilik air..he3..
price=30 pence
2. Jacket

oppss.. bukan nk pakai yep.. (hishh, pakai towel secondhand!) Beli sbb nak lap lantai bilik air..he3..
price=30 pence
2. Jacket
susah tul nk cari jaket saiz ak kat sini..hu3.. jumpa gak la.. wrna nya hijau terang tapi dalam gmbar mcm pale la..
price=2 pound
3. Novels
Novel english.. I like the title, "Angel" =)
price= 50 and 30 pence
4. Christmas goodies

ahh.. benda yang comel utk bazirkan duit..
price=25 pence each
books!! Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Black Beauty, Little Women and Alice in wonderland. love it! nampak baru lagi tu...=)
price= 10 pence each (!!)
6. little pink Box

price= 50 and 30 pence
4. Christmas goodies
ahh.. benda yang comel utk bazirkan duit..
price=25 pence each
books!! Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Black Beauty, Little Women and Alice in wonderland. love it! nampak baru lagi tu...=)
price= 10 pence each (!!)
6. little pink Box
comelnya!.. makes me feel like a little girl again! eh, ko memang 'little' pom.. boleh la nk letak barang2 sentimental value..he3
price= 1 pound
7. Guitar
Can't believe I found a guitar in car boot sale! walaupon burok and tali dah porak poranda.. but it's still lookin good.. at least bleh la wat main tika bosan2.. x pon boleh baling kat orang bawah kalu depa bising2 sgt..haha!
price= 8 pound (!!)
8. key chain
Why did I bought this key chain? because at first I thought it's an 'acorn' from the oak tree. It turned out to be a bunch of little bananas instead! well, maybe I should go to the park and find some real acorns.. Wait, why do I need acorns? well, you should read Peter Pan and you'll know why =)
price=20 pence
9. Angel's necklace
it's the most beautiful thing I bought..hehee.. I'm so not into jewelery and stuff but I love this necklace!
It's silver and I love the little angel sitting on the heart-shaped thingy.. so sweeet!
price=3 pound
10. Peter Pan
ptut la kmi cari hg x jumpa. byk gak beli noo. haha. gud2. nnt pegi lagi. southsea. ;)
banyak ke?? he3..agk la.. nasib baik x sampai bankrap cam 'orang tu'..he3
Gla ang, nsib bek ak x pegi, kalo x ak btumbok ngan ang sebsb rebut brg. ahahhaa
comel gila barang2 yg u beli :)
lg necklace uh
Wani: ya.. time beli tu x sedar, bila tgk2 balik, mk oii.. borong sakan..btul la, skali kita beli barang, mmg susah nk berhenti, arghh~
Husna: ye3,, barang2 nya x de la nk pakai sgt, tp sbb comel je lebih..he3..i really like the necklace too.. =D
kat i x beli paper ker???
kedekut pnyer kak ipar~!!!
amboii.. sat la nk cari hang punya Calvin Klein' bag tu..ha3
u bought a guitar??
for 8 freaking pound??
hOi! habih murah da tu..
kwn ak beli gitar kat kedai, 100++ pound,
sorang lg beli kt charity shop pon 40 pound
ak beli 8 pound.. gitar made in Spain lagi...
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