When I went to the kitchen this afternoon,
to keep the prawns and the chicken,
(wah, semangat nak start memasak dah nih)
then, I saw him
he wanted to go into the kitchen too,
then he saw me,
then he quickly left..
I was like,
what's your problem,dude??
I don't mind a bit, just do your stuff and I'll do my stuff~
Annoyed with the way he
left the kitchen when I was in
whatever~ mm..do you think I wanna 'mengorat' you??
hey, tolong sket, heh!
eventhough, you're quite cute actually
ko tu baru 18 tahun, ak dah 20 tahun..okayz
sepatutnya ak ni dihormati,
ak ni senior citizen, tau!
ah, biasa la orang tua2 ni cepat terasa..
ak perasan dia ni slalu kekok kalau kami
berada di dapur pada masa yang sama
sampai ak pun rasa awkward gila..
hai, pasal pa ak nak emo2 sebab budak2 ni???
ni mesti kes x cukup makan daging ni..
mana x nye.. hari2 nak kena makan vegetarian food...haish
semangat 'kanibal' dalam diri ak ni dah meronta-ronta..hahaha
(kang ade yang kena makan kan..)
just now,
I went to the kitchen to get my food,
and I saw someone went out of the room to go to the kitchen too,
it was him!
but he smiled at me and say Hi^^
aii, mabuk ke? perhati2.. tak~
macam ni la.. at least say hi or just smile..
you're my next door neighbor, the closest one to me.
why do we have to be soo awkward with one another???
kalo x mabuk2, ko bleh tahan jugak cute..he3

kawen la mu ngan mamat tuh
x mau ak.. puhhh, mintak jauh~
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