it was 8 am in the morning
I was getting ready for my 10 am class, pehh, awal gila bersiap
suddenly my handphone rang..
I looked at the number first, UNKNOWN..
at first I thought it maybe one of my relatives at Malaysia
who loves using UNKNOWN number to look mysterious >_<
I was hesitate to take the call,
cuz I was too lazy to 'chit chat' in the morning..hahaha
tapi angkat jugak akhirnya..
why does he sounds like a robot...???
maybe sebab line x clear..
but definitely bukan orang Malaysia.
Ha..mesti robot ni.. nak suruh ak join diorang untuk musnahkan tamadun manusia!

(sori, skang tengah obsessed dgn cerita "Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles" haha)
Ahh, dah sah2 orang UK yang aku x kenal,
lagipon ak mana ada bagi number ak kat mana2 orang UK pon..
terus hang up, malas nak layan, baik aku mekap2, siap2 pergi kelas
eh, dia call lagi..
"hello? Hello?"
"Hello? ehydbja djahbxge..nddjenjh.."
ak tak paham langsung.. apa yang dia dok membebel sorang..
adoii, english UK duhh~
"who's this?"
"I'm your boyfriend..."
terus end the call
off handphone.
Hello, 'boyfriend' I tak reti cakap english ok!
crazy people.

I looked at the number first, UNKNOWN..
at first I thought it maybe one of my relatives at Malaysia
who loves using UNKNOWN number to look mysterious >_<
I was hesitate to take the call,
cuz I was too lazy to 'chit chat' in the morning..hahaha
tapi angkat jugak akhirnya..
why does he sounds like a robot...???
maybe sebab line x clear..
but definitely bukan orang Malaysia.
Ha..mesti robot ni.. nak suruh ak join diorang untuk musnahkan tamadun manusia!
(sori, skang tengah obsessed dgn cerita "Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles" haha)
Ahh, dah sah2 orang UK yang aku x kenal,
lagipon ak mana ada bagi number ak kat mana2 orang UK pon..
terus hang up, malas nak layan, baik aku mekap2, siap2 pergi kelas
eh, dia call lagi..
"hello? Hello?"
"Hello? ehydbja djahbxge..nddjenjh.."
ak tak paham langsung.. apa yang dia dok membebel sorang..
adoii, english UK duhh~
"who's this?"
"I'm your boyfriend..."
terus end the call
off handphone.
Hello, 'boyfriend' I tak reti cakap english ok!
crazy people.
tetibe teringat kat 'boyfriend' yg dah lama x tengok..hahaha
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