Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Makhluk2 Aneh di Facebook.

It's 2 am in the morning and I'm still as fresh as a ... as a.. ? as a vegetable! pom boleh...

So, sebab saya xleh tdo, saya nak meluahkan perasaan la kat blog ni.. haha.
Caution: mix language + messed up grammar + mild content

I always try to keep my FB friend list simple and clean. means that I don't simply add people, in fact since I made my FB account I hardly add anyone else other than my classmates and my old best friends. So, for the rest of other people, it's very likely that they're the one that added me, but don't get me wrong; it's not that I'm complaining or bragging or anything, I'm just stating the fact.

So, like 70-80 % roughly that my FB friends are people that in the same age range like me, and those who are still studying and skema2 people just exactly like me.. haha. Jadi, xde la makhluk2 pelik kt FB tu. And I don't add people I don't know, freaks or spammer or people selling stuff,, shoosh2.. sorry but you're just wasting your space by adding me. But now I sometimes like to add people who like to post good ilmiah things, so I can learn something from them.

But though 80-95 % of my FB friends are 'normal' people, there are some special and 'interesting' people like:

The Critical thinking Men.

Ada la sorg mamat ni.. add sbb dia suka post benda2 baik dan kerap la memperdebat serta mengetengahkan isu2 penting but then.... he did that a little too much and it's kinda annoy me.. like satu hari ada la 20 kali dok berdebat.. x penat ke??? And certain things he raised was like... so questionable and so 'argueable' (selalunya cari pasal hal2 perempuan, haha,, u know how funny when a man talks about women but he gets things wrong? don't simply assume things about us. ok. ) sometimes, I just want to comment and ask him directly (on FB of course) tapi.. segan la plak.. (dang, but I could just PM him what? but purely to bash him not to flirt or anything, come on ler, professional kan..)

The sel-ca girls
 ... omg, I hate these species like.. urghhhhh...  u know, I don't mind people doing selca once in a while and put the pics in their albums in their page with some other pictures along. I did that too but selca with my friends la.. segan gak sorg2). But I do get very disturbed and irritated  when you put a picture of your face (which is obviously you take them by yourself, complete with make up on, hair or tudung done... in your bedroom ...like for what?? why do u have so much time, girls???) and you post them one by one as your STATUS. Like, imagine. those series of pictures lining up on my timeline and I just keep seeing your face and your face and your face as I scrolled down,, omg..... seriously girls.. I feel like I'm going to drop comments like nuclear bombs on their page. yeah, we do like to take pretty pictures of ourselves but please don't make it tooo obvious like you really desperately want to force everyone to see it.

Status Bajet

Paling xleh tahan bila buat ayat bajet hot : "Awak tahu x ramai jer yg beratur nak kt saya ni.. "@ "kalau sy nak boyfriend, bila2 masa je boleh dapat" ect, ect just utk cakap kt boyfriend dia tu.. "TAPI.. saya suka awk sorg je tau.. " di hujung ayat. Like... what is your point? like you're so pretty and popular and stuff and your boyfriend should feel happy that you feel sorry for him and choose him? and do u have to make that status public? (ni biasa kes2 budak sekolah x matang la.)

that's it. Unfriend. habis cerita.


Xde la masalah sgt dgn golongan2 ni .. yg suka bergaya dan memperagakan fashion2 terbaru..like that's your business tapi,, ada sekali tu someone ni bergaya dengan sweater, dgn winter coat, siap dgn knitted scarf kt leher berbelit2, siap dgn ear muff ... aik, bila masa dia duk oversea ni? bila org komen, dia ckp oh xde kt ats bukit ni,, hujan.. sejukk.. okay,,, so much for the fashion.

Artis Facebook.

Ini isu yg agak serius. Since I don't have any students yet, any young girls on my FB are just either my cousins or my little sister's friends. So, dorg ni suka la dok like gambar2 kt Instagram yg akan naik gak kt FB. And one time, I saw them liking a pic of a boy. Artis baru ke? sbb sgt la bergaya and comel gak, haha..
so, pi la usha. pelik gak sbb followers beribu2, siap ada fan page kt FB, which is beribu2 gak like.. kt Youtube ada org siap wat video tribute utk dia..I was like.. siapa dia ni?? rupanya2 dia cuma lah seorg budak sekolah yg baru habis PMR. So? what's with the thousands and thousands of girls and gays, er I mean guys following him on FB and Instag?? Well, cuz he's cute obviously. In my opinion, he is cute BUT he is too made up. Adik, kakak kt UK pon boleh nampak bedak dan mekap kt muka tu,, please, boys never need make up.
Adoi, terpikir gak klu dah jd cikgu nnti, nak ditakdirkan salah seorg student dlm kelas I rupa-rupanya artis FB, cmne agaknya.. cikgu nak tumpang glamor sekaki ke?

These are just minority people in my FB, yang lain sume bagus2, I love most my friends on FB, either the ones that I do know and hang out in the real world, or those who I just keep in touch through FB. Most of the times, I don't really care when people are being weird or annoyed but when things just get too out of hand, I just err..eliminated them (unfriend, not kill them or anything)

I'm worried for the future generations. That's why when someone suggest to have Facebook Education alongside Sex Education, I don't take that as a joke. We seriously need it!

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