Thursday, October 18, 2012


            "Are you feeling worried?" asked Linda.
            "About what?" I asked her back.
             "well... about anything?"
             She was quite surprised seeing how extremely calm I was.

......Silent... I don't know. I don't know if I'm worried or not. Didn't really feel anything.Yet.

 Seeing Linda for the first time to discuss on my independent project.

My IP is moving too slow.. I've changed my research topic for perhaps a dozen times by now.
It's really difficult to find something that I like enough to study extensively for months and months to come.

             "Do you know which school you're going for SE?" She asked.
             "Okay, what's your student ID?"

I thought she was gonna check the school placement for me but she opened my student profile and viewed my assignments' marks instead!. Arkkk...almost fell off my chair,huhu.

  "Your marks aren't that bad...kinda go up and down.. but that's fine. I like this topic and you like this topic, let's work together and get a good mark for this (IP), alrite?"

Thanks Linda, that's a really kind words. I wish and I want a good mark for IP to make up for my previous bad marks. I feel lucky to have her as my supervisor. Linda is one of the 'cool' lecturers, she can be really  unorganized and in mess sometimes, but she's really good in what she's doing. I really like her, haha ^_^.

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